How To Capture PS3 Footage On An Elgato HD60S (Without ...

Forexample,ifyourTVcanuse1080psignals,select1080p,1080i,720pand480p.Ifyouselectallpossibleresolutions,thenthePS3canproperlynegotiate ...,ThatmeansthatElgatoGameCaptureHD60ScannotcaptureanyvideofromthePS3.TocapturePS3gameplay,youcanusetheoriginalE...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Elgato Game Capture HD

For example, if your TV can use 1080p signals, select 1080p, 1080i, 720p and 480p. If you select all possible resolutions, then the PS3 can properly negotiate ...

PlayStation 3 (PS3) is not supported by Elgato Game ...

That means that Elgato Game Capture HD60 S cannot capture any video from the PS3. To capture PS3 gameplay, you can use the original Elgato Game Capture HD ...

PlayStation 3 (PS3) and Elgato Game Capture HD setup

1) Connect your PlayStation 3 to Elgato Game Capture HD using the supplied PlayStation 3 cable. · 2) Connect your TV to the HDMI Out port of Elgato Game Capture ...

How can I stream ps3 in 2021 on an Elgato HD60 Pro?

2021年12月11日 — Elgato Game Capture HD60 Pro can't capture any PlayStation 3 (PS3) gameplay. ... The PS3 outputs video via HDMI that is protected via HDCP.

Can anyone help with connecting a PS3 to an Elgato HD60?

2014年12月14日 — I've got some bad news for you. The HD60 can't actually capture PS3 footage.


Forexample,ifyourTVcanuse1080psignals,select1080p,1080i,720pand480p.Ifyouselectallpossibleresolutions,thenthePS3canproperlynegotiate ...,ThatmeansthatElgatoGameCaptureHD60ScannotcaptureanyvideofromthePS3.TocapturePS3gameplay,youcanusetheoriginalElgatoGameCaptureHD ...,1)ConnectyourPlayStation3toElgatoGameCaptureHDusingthesuppliedPlayStation3cable.·2)ConnectyourTVtotheHDMIOutportofElgatoGameCap...